So I've been back from London for a few weeks now, where I played in Glenn Branca's Hallucination City ensemble once again.
However, the more exciting part of my trip was seeing some good friends who live there (some of whom I have not seen in six years!) and making a bunch of new ones. I didn't shoot as much as I would have liked, but that's OK.
What always happens after a Branca performance is that I get this burst of musical creativity. It just so happens that this is November, AKA
National Solo Album Month. I have a concept in place, and I am thinking that the cover I am going to do is Bedhead's "Living Well" - mostly so I can test out my new secret weapon.
Yesterday Mark asked me when he could hear my other albums and I told him about my idea to make a boxed set of all of them, for the ten people who have expressed an interest. A day after, the idea still seems like a good one, so perhaps I can find some packaging materials this week and get crackin'.