Sunday, November 12, 2006

12 strings of pain

originally uploaded by samuraiphotog.
Took out the 12 string today, just to see if it can do what I want it to do. I am hoping to fall in love with it again, so I can think of a reason why I shouldn't sell it.

I am considering covering a Will Oldham song, mostly because my own feelings on the subject of loss lately have been veering into the "Joe Lies" territory - and if you get the reference you know exactly why being in that territory is not a good place to be in - but isn't it completely trite and predictable to use Will as a crutch? I don't think I can answer that yet.


Blogger Unknown said...

Covering Will Oldham, who's just mining Americana and old 78's these days, is indeed trite and predictable and not even a crutch, just kinda... sad. But not in a good Prince Bonnie way, just... sad. Find a good old roots tune that makes you feel the same way and cover that!

Monday, January 08, 2007 3:15:00 AM  

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